Introduction to entertainment law

Book: Entertainment Management – Towards Best Practice (CABI; 2014) Authors: Mendis, D. Editors: Walmsley, B. and Moss, S. Publisher: Marston Publishers ISBN: 9781780640235

Digital Economy Act 2010: Fighting a losing battle? Why the ‘three strikes’ law is not the answer to copyright law’s latest challenge

This paper argues that the Digital Economy Act (DEA) 2010, already much delayed in its implementation, is fundamentally flawed in three respects. First, there are internal inconsistencies in the complex provisions to be enacted under secondary legislation.

Orphan Works

Book: Handbook on the Digital Creative Economy Authors: Homberg, F., Favale, M., Kretschmer, M., Mendis, D. and Secchi, D. Editors: Towse, R. and Handke, C. Pages: 1-380 Publisher: Edward Elgar Place of Publication: Cheltenham, UK Date of Publication: December 2013 ISBN: 978-1-78100-487-6

The Treatment of Orphan Works under Copyright Law in Seven Jurisdictions: A Comparative Review of the Underlying Principles (London: Intellectual Property Office; July 2013)

The report consisting of two Studies includes a comparative international review of actual and proposed orphan works legislation in several jurisdictions aimed at identifying key characteristics of orphan works licensing schemes and simulated rights clearance for six scenarios in order to identify pricing models in the studied jurisdictions.

Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody: An Empirical Study of Music Videos on the Youtube Platform and as Assessment of the Regulatory Options (London: Intellectual Property Office; January 2013)

This report presents a distilled discussion of the legal treatment of parodies in seven jurisdictions that have implemented or are considering implementing a copyright exception for parody (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, UK, and USA). The underlying principles (including economic and constitutional) governing divergent legal approaches are identified, and a list of policy options is presented.

The Treatment of Parodies under Copyright Law in Seven Jurisdictions: A Comparative Review of the Underlying Principles (London: Intellectual Property Office; March 2013)

This report discusses the legal treatment of parodies in seven jurisdictions that have implemented a copyright exception for parody. The jurisdictions include Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, UK, and USA. The report identifies possible regulatory options for benefiting from a parody exception to copyright infringement, and distils the (economic and non-economic) rationales developed by legislators and courts. The report concludes by setting out a list of policy options.