Research Impact

Research impact is the effect or benefit that research has and goes beyond academic boundaries to other aspects of society, like economy, culture, social life. Specifically my research focuses on the impact of technologies such as 3D Printing, and Blockchain/NFTs on IP law, with a focus on copyright law. My research has also explored the impact of YouTube on copyright and users’ rights to parody copyright works, the impact of IPTV on copyright law and the importance of copyright education.

Copyright and the economic effects of parody

Project: Copyright and the economic effects of parody: An empirical study of music videos on the YouTube platform and an assessment of regulatory options

The study made by the research team, was crystal clear. From a large sample of Parodists (8.299 users), the economic damage myth of the original video creators’ was debunked. The results stated that the parodies had positive effect on the original videos, meaning growth of economics. Almost 78% of the parodists also appeared on camera, diminishing the possibility of confusion with the original content. This also contributes in copyright separation between the parody and the original video.


Project: Study on Online Business Models Infringing Illegal IPTV and Cardsharing

This report has been carried out to estimate the number of individuals involved in consumption of unauthorised IPTV as well as to assess the potential revenue generated by copyright infringing IPTV providers. The use of illegal IPTV from consumers has great impact on the economics of the productions. As a result of the economic loss, there are fewer new productions.

3D Printing – 3D Scanning

Project: Going for Gold: 3D Scanning, 3D Printing and Mass Customisation of Ancient and Modern Jewellery

The studies of this research concluded that there is no urgency to legislate at present as 3D printing is not a mass phenomenon yet. It warned that a premature call for legislative and judicial action in the realm of 3D printing could stifle the public interest of “fostering creativity and innovation and the right of manufacturers and content creators to protect their livelihoods”. They also provide some important recommendations to the UK Goverment about how to regulate 3D printing without resorting to legislation.

The research also provided some important findings about the lack of 3D CAD files and the importance of licensing. This can be achieved by explaining the nuances relating to each licence in clear and simple language, rather than simply ‘encouraging’ the user to adopt a particular type of licence.

Finally, in relation to Industry, the Study recommends the adoption of new business models and provides a number of suggestions in this regard. The Reports also suggest the licensing of CAD files more widely, thereby opening up doors to a range of outlets selling 3D CAD files. This will avoid locking the manufacturer into an agreement through a system such as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for (spare) parts.