Publications Around IP Publications Around IP

Authors: Mendis, D. Editors: Kierkegaard, S.M. Pages: 381-394 Publisher: International Association of IT Lawyers Place of Publication: Denmark ISBN: 9788799138555

Authors: Mendis, D. Editors: Gaster, J., Schweighofer, E. and Sint, P. Journal: Knowledge Rights – Legal, Societal and Related Technological Aspects Pages: 219-228 Publisher: Austrian Computer Society Place of Publication: Vienna

The paper will look at the publishing industry and the relationship between publishers and users within the context of collecting societies and consider whether the Copyright Licensing Agency accurately remunerates the academic author.

Authors: MacQueen, H., Mendis, D. and Torsen, M. Pages: 1-22 Publisher: British Academy Place of Publication: London

The paper will touch upon the copyright laws that have attempted to regulate copying within HEIs in the UK and consider whether it has been a success or not. The paper will then carry out a study in to CLA and will aim to raise and answer the following question: what really happens to the money that is collected from HEIs by the CLA and distributed through the Authors Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) and Publishers Licensing Society (PLS)?

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