Publications Around IP Publications Around IP

The chapter considers how effectively and harmoniously intellectual property (IP) regimes, in particular copyright and patent, respond to emerging technologies and innovation, such as 3D printing and 3D scanning. The chapter will commence with a brief introduction to 3D printing before moving on to a detailed analysis of UK and Australian jurisprudence as it relates to 3D printing and 3D scanning.

Book: Sterling on World Copyright Law Author:  J. A. L. Sterling Editor: Trevor M. Cook Edition:  4, revised Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 ISBN: 0414024613, 9780414024618 Length: 1761 pages

Book: Entertainment Management – Towards Best Practice (CABI; 2014) Authors: Mendis, D. Editors: Walmsley, B. and Moss, S. Publisher: Marston Publishers ISBN: 9781780640235

Book: Handbook on the Digital Creative Economy Authors: Homberg, F., Favale, M., Kretschmer, M., Mendis, D. and Secchi, D. Editors: Towse, R. and Handke, C. Pages: 1-380 Publisher: Edward Elgar Place of Publication: Cheltenham, UK Date of Publication: December 2013 ISBN: 978-1-78100-487-6

Authors: Mendis, D. Journal: Script-ed, A Journal of Law, Technology and Society Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: 128-130 Publisher: University of Edinburgh ISSN: 1744-2567 DOI: 10.2966/scrip.020105

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