Authors: Mendis, D.

Journal: International Journal of Private Law

Volume: 2

Pages: 371-384

ISSN: 1753-6235

DOI: 10.1504/IJPL.2009.024478


This paper will look at the concept of the ‘digital divide’ by way of introduction, before moving on to illustrate, through examples drawn from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nigeria, the manner in which steps have been taken to bridge the divide in these countries. Whilst it is important to bridge the digital divide so that everyone can have equal rights to development, education and freedom of expression this paper also questions the further implications which come with it. For example, do stringent intellectual property rights, particularly copyright laws act as a barrier to narrowing the digital divide? Furthermore even if developing countries manage to overcome these laws are the less-developed countries equipped to deal with such digital technology? Are the governments of these countries prepared to create the necessary laws to address the issues which arise from digital technology? Do they have the necessary legal infrastructure?