This article considers the impact of blockchain technology on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and questions the compatibility between the GDPR, particularly, Article 17 (Right to be Forgotten). Through an analysis of the development of the GDPR and Article 17, the paper clarifies that the general requirements of GDPR and blockchain technology are generally consistent but falls short when dealing with how data can be rendered ‘forgotten’ on the blockchain, rather than deleted. Highlighting these challenges, the paper presents and evaluates a number of possible solutions for consideration (to be published)

Through the application of selected statutes and case law drawn from the United Kingdom (UK), this paper will explore the copyright status of three-dimensional design files and will particularly question whether they can be protected as literary and / or artistic works. In responding to this question, the paper highlighting gaps and challenges inherent in the law and adopts a ‘coherentist’ and ‘regulatory instrumentalist’ analysis in responding to the challenges and providing recommendations for the future.

This paper presented in two parts, outlines the development of the extended collective licensing regulations in the UK in Part One. In doing so, the paper draws a line through the failed attempt of the Gowers Review 2006 to the success of the Hargreaves Review 2011 and ultimately to the successful implementation of an extended collective licensing scheme in 2014.

This article explores steps, which have been put in place by various organisations and online resources to assist in the understanding of copyright for the public and schools, with particular focus on education and teaching materials – as presented on

Drawing on UK and EU copyright laws and their application to 3D printing and CAD files, this paper will, first, question whether CAD files can be protected by copyright law before considering the copyright implications thrown up by the modification of CAD files as a result of scanning and the use of online tools.

This paper argues that the Digital Economy Act (DEA) 2010, already much delayed in its implementation, is fundamentally flawed in three respects. First, there are internal inconsistencies in the complex provisions to be enacted under secondary legislation.

The technology in its early stages has already raised questions pertaining to intellectual property (IP) implications. This paper considers the IP implications of 3D printing. In particular the paper considers the challenges to patent law, trademark law, copyright law and design law as a result of this emerging technology.

This is a collaborative submission from a group of academics based in the UK with expertise in information technology law and related areas. The preparation of this response has been funded by the Information Technology Think Tank, which is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and led by the SCRIPT/AHRC Centre for Research in Intellectual Property and Technology, University of Edinburgh. This response has been prepared by Abhilash Nair and Dinusha Mendis.

Authors: Mendis, D. Start date: 21 April 2009 Journal: European Intellectual Property Review Pages: 1-9

This paper will look at the concept of the ‘digital divide’ by way of introduction, before moving on to illustrate, through examples drawn from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nigeria, the manner in which steps have been taken to bridge the divide in these countries.

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