Publication Date: 2019

Authors: Mendis, D.

Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press (Marketed and distributed by Cambridge University Press)

Place of Publication: The Hague, Netherlands 

Volume: No. 18

Pages: 1-276

ISBN: 978-90-6704-298-7

This book is the first to carry out an in-depth study in to the interaction between Universities and Copyright Collecting Societies (CCS) in the UK in light of technological advances. It also considers a case-study in to the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) and looks in to the licensing system under the Higher Education Copying Accord (HECA). In particular, the development of the HECA licences including the Comprehensive Digital Licence which came in to effect in 2008 is discussed. In highlighting the gaps prevalent in the present system, this work questions whether the academic author is properly remunerated by CCS. A new model based on the HERON project and open-access system is proposed for equitable remuneration for the academic author, publisher and collecting societies in an online world.
